Corona Divorce Lawyer

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Corona Divorce Lawyer


Corona Divorce Attorney

Getting a divorce is a difficult process that is emotionally overwhelming and legally confusing. Divorces usually include other legal disputes, such as child custody, alimony, and property division. Each of these has the potential to be contentious and upsetting for all involved parties. When you work with an experienced divorce attorney for your separation, you can feel confident that your interests are protected. An attorney can help you through all aspects of a divorce and help you reach the most favorable outcome for your Corona, CA family.

Najera Law Group, APC: Your Corona Divorce Lawyers

The outcome of a divorce case can change a family’s entire life. It’s essential that you work with an attorney who understands both the needs of your family and the complex legal requirements of a divorce case. At Najera Law Group, APC, we believe in compassionate legal support and have worked to represent individuals in family law cases for 19 years. Our firm has worked with families and individuals going through complex divorces and understands how hard these cases are for everyone involved.

The Main Aspects of Divorces

A divorce or separation involves several other complex legal cases that require negotiation or litigation. Depending on the divorce, the proceedings may include:

  • Division of property
  • Carrying out an existing prenuptial or postnuptial agreement
  • Parental timeshare plans, including custody and visitation
  • Determining child support
  • Calculating alimony
  • Domestic violence

Each divorce has unique needs. The attorneys at Najera Law Group, APC, make time to ensure that we understand the unique needs of your divorce.

Corona Divorce Requirements

To file for a divorce, you have to be eligible to receive one in California. California is a no-fault divorce state, which means that you don’t need to state a reason or justification for divorce other than irreconcilable differences or mental incapacity. The state residency requirements for getting a divorce are:

  1. One spouse must have been living in California for 6 months prior to filing for divorce.
  2. One spouse must have been a resident for 3 months of the county the divorce is being filed in.

One or both spouses must meet these requirements. If you don’t, you can’t file for a divorce until you meet those timeframes. Once you do file for divorce, it can’t be finalized until you and your spouse have completed the 6-month waiting period. This is true whether your divorce is settled through mediation or litigation.

The Difference Between Contested and Uncontested Divorces

Whether a divorce is uncontested or contested depends on whether both parties can agree on the essential aspects of the divorce.

An uncontested divorce means that spouses can agree on aspects such as property division and child custody outside of court through mediation and negotiation. This process is faster, less stressful, and not as expensive as going through litigation. A divorce attorney can mediate the discussion and review a final separation agreement to see if it’s fair.

A contested divorce means that a couple cannot agree about the terms of the divorce. In some cases, couples tried mediation and were unable to agree on all aspects. They may only need to litigate parts of the divorce, rather than all aspects. In other cases, couples were unable or unwilling to mediate, and the entire divorce process is conducted through court proceedings. One party may not want a divorce at all, so it becomes a contested divorce. Contested divorces take longer and are more expensive. Both parties have to attend multiple court dates before the divorce is finalized. If your divorce must be settled in court, you want an attorney advocating for your interests to the judge.

The Benefits of Corona Divorce Lawyers

A divorce is stressful and comes with legal requirements and deadlines that are difficult to meet. An attorney can help the process go smoothly and ensure that the usual legal aspects of a divorce are handled. Your attorneys can:

  • Help mediate a negotiation between you and your spouse.
  • Represent your interests during negotiation.
  • Build your defense for litigation.

A divorce attorney can also help with other aspects of your case:

  • Address all required filings and statutes relevant to your divorce case.
  • Ensure that serving divorce papers is done according to law.
  • Protect your interests in property, assets, and other personal needs.
  • Gather evidence and testimony for court hearings.

Legal support from an attorney can ease part of the overwhelming stress of a divorce.

The Process of Divorce

It can be helpful to understand the legal process of divorce. Although each divorce is unique and has individual requirements, an average divorce follows these steps:

  1. Filing: If you or your spouse is eligible for divorce in the California county you are filing in, you can request a petition for dissolving your marriage at the local court. The filing includes essential financial information about assets, income, properties, and similar information. There is a filing fee to submit the papers, but this can be waived in some circumstances if you can’t pay it.
  2. Serving Papers: Once filed, you must serve your spouse with a copy of those papers. In cases where you and your spouse are getting an uncontested divorce, your spouse can waive the right to be served when the divorce is filed. If the respondent spouse does not waive this right, the petitioning spouse must serve papers in a legally valid way. This may include certified mailing, through a professional server, or finding another professional or adult who can legally serve papers.
  3. Response: Once a spouse has been served papers, they have 30 days to respond to the divorce petition. A respondent spouse can’t avoid a divorce by not responding to the petition. If they don’t file a response to the served papers and summons, the court may enter a default judgment against them, granting the petitioning spouse what they asked for in their initial petition.
  4. Agreements: Once the respondent spouse files their response, parties can begin to make decisions about the essential aspects of the divorce. This may be done through mediation, collaborative divorce, negotiation, or litigation. This determines the terms of separation, including property division, alimony, and child custody.
  5. Final Judgment: After the mandatory 6-month waiting period, and when decisions have been made about all aspects of the divorce, the divorce can be finalized. If a separation agreement was reached through mediation or a similar arrangement, the judge will review the agreement to ensure that it is not unfair to either party. If the agreement is determined to be fair and legal, the judge will enter it into the court, and it becomes legally enforceable. If the divorce went through litigation, the judge of the case has the final say on the separation agreement. After hearing the arguments of both sides, they will decide on the essential aspects of a divorce agreement, and it will become a court order.

FAQs About Corona, CA Divorce Law

How Much Does a Divorce Attorney Cost in California?

A Corona divorce lawyer commonly charges an hourly rate. A family law attorney in California charges an average of $363 an hour, but this can range anywhere from $200 to $500 an hour or even higher. An attorney’s rate depends on:

  • Their location
  • How experienced they are in their field
  • The legal field that they focus on
  • How complex your case is

It’s important to always discuss fees with your attorney prior to hiring them so they can help you understand the cost of your specific case. It’s important that you can afford an attorney throughout the process of your divorce.

How Much Does It Cost to File a Divorce in California?

The filing fee for a divorce petition in California is $435 to $450. This fee may be waived if you are unable to pay it and meet one of the following conditions:

  • You receive public benefits.
  • Your income is under a certain amount.
  • You can’t afford basic needs if you pay the fee.

There are additional court costs for a contested divorce as well as significantly higher legal costs. An uncontested divorce is less expensive, but there are also mediator and legal fees.

Is Everything Split 50/50 in a Divorce in California?

California is a community property state, which means that all marital property is split 50/50 if the divorce enters litigation. Only marital property is split, however, not separate property. Whether assets are considered separate or community depends on when the asset was obtained. Assets gained prior to marriage are usually considered separate property. Assets gained during a marriage are usually marital property. The court assumes this to be the case unless one party proves why an asset should be categorized differently. Knowing what assets are marital and separate is important to ensure that each party gets their half of community property.

What Is the 5-Year Rule for Divorce in California?

If a couple wants a divorce and has been married for less than 5 years, they may qualify for a summary dissolution. This is a faster and easier way to end a marriage or domestic partnership. There is less paperwork and it’s less costly. To get a summary dissolution, a couple must generally meet the following criteria:

  • They have been married less than 5 years.
  • They have no children and are expecting no children together.
  • They do not own significant property or assets.
  • They agree on property division.
  • Neither is requesting spousal support.

Corona Divorce Legal Support

At Najera Law Group, APC, we want to bring you the compassionate and focused legal care you need. Contact our team today to see how we can help you.
